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פוסט זה זמין גם ב: עב

Sweet date

125 ₪

Dry in a good section. Great for employees who come to the office once a month   Want to add a twist? The calendar of "The Photographer" with the beautiful memories of the State of Israel. Don't tell us you're using a calendar wonder, it's about style. Want to make it cheaper? Exaggerating the chassis in the price of a shell Calendar: 50₪ + VAT Upgrade to Tulip Social Winery: 25₪ + VAT *Price does not include VAT and upgrades

What the box contains
  • Desert Chardonnay Series 22
  • Bouquet of dried flowers
  • A pair of candlesticks with a pleasant scent
  • Honey of the “wild” apiary 250 grams
  • Soothing tea infusion at the end of the holiday meal with roses, verbena, lemongrass and black tea
  • The package is packaged in a bag “For the Reuth Association”. Together with the illustrator Dror Cohen, we created a bag that will donate NIS 10 to the Reuth Association’s assisted living department.

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