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פוסט זה זמין גם ב: עב


470 ₪ + VAT

May we all have Happy holiday!

What the box contains
  • A bottle of Mara Pink rosé from Tulip Social Winery (in collaboration with Maya Winery)
  • Yeast cake filled with sweet cheese from Yan’s pastry shop at HaTikva Market
  • Natural apple juice from “The Fermenter” – 1 liter
  • A large fresh Bunet bun from “The Breadmaker”
  • Fresh hyssop plant – for planting, cooking and especially for the smell 🙂
  • Fatora Special Honey / Wild Honey
  • Cherry tomato confiture of “Fatura” / jam of “Berta”
  • Lavena balls in oil
  • Jar of dried tomatoes
  • 2 cheese slots from Hebrew interface – Manchego / Gouda / Camembert / Piccorino
  • Jar of fresh olives from market delis
  • Basket of seasonal fruit – depending on the season, what farmers will recommend 🙂
  • All contents are placed on a picnic tablecloth studded with 🙂

Everything that is fun on the holiday in a particularly pampering box!

Box content may vary according to existing stock

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